Vacation at home
Our Guarantee Seal

Price - $129/yr for unlimited online access - including up to 20 photos:

  • Unlimited Access - You get unlimited access and usage via the Internet to our secure (hacker-proof) database containing all Intervac member listings from all the countries during your membership period. You can initiate contact by email about a potential exchange with any other active Intervac member and conversely any Intervac member can contact you about your offer posted on your Intervac listing.
  • Instant Changes - You can modify your online listing at anytime – including adding up to 20 photos under four categories with your own unlimited text descriptions: (1) our home (2) our family and pets (3) our lifestyle, and (4) our neighbourhood. Also with one mouse click can flag your listing as "no longer looking" after you have found a suitable exchange but of course your access privileges to Intervac's online database continue as before. You can make your listing "active" again with one mouse click at anytime.
  • Powerful Matching Tools - Your chances of finding most suitable home exchanges are enhanced by Intervac's search & match database features such as Enhanced Search, Match-Alert, My Favourites, Hot List, Google Maps, links to members' private websites, multiple transaction types, etc.
  • Guarantee - Our guarantee to brand new members is that IF you do not find an exchange within our system within your first year, you get another year of unlimited online membership free of charge. (But we believe this will never happen if you make a reasonable effort based on your reasonable offer... ie. most Floridians typically do not wish to visit Canada in January.)

- including up to 20 photos
ONE Year $129
TWO Years - Best Value $199


Intervac Canada • 606 Alexander Cr. NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 4T3

Phone: (403) 210-2625 - live response or Richard's voice mail 24 x 7
