Vacation at home
Our Guarantee Seal
Dear Member - after login you can use our online self-service tools to:

  • CHANGE your Online Listing - be sure to click on Save Changes when done...

  • CHANGE your password - personalize it so you can remember it...

  • CHANGE your availability status from "available" (green traffic light) to "not available" (red traffic light) (and vice-versa) simply by clicking on the traffic light icon at the top of your listing...

  • ADD up to 20 photos (in JPG format as produced by digital cameras) under four categories with your own unlimited text descriptions: (1) our home (2) our family and pets (3) our life style, and (4) our neighbourhood. You can replace your existing photos by new photos at anytime.

Login to Intervac International database of offers hosted on Intervac International website in Germany

NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO EXPIRY - our system will automatically email you two weeks before your membership expiry date. You can renew your membership simply by logging in and following through with the online payment process which can be initiated from within your listing.

EXPIRED MEMBERS - the simplest way to restart your membership is to login and make a payment. Of course there is no need to re-enter your listing since we already have it on our system and it will take you only a couple of minutes to update your "old" listing (typically new travel dates and new destinations) while keeping your existing photos. If you cannot remember how to log-in, you can just pay online and indicate that you were a previous member by entering your Intervac member number and we will take care of the rest. Click here to go directly to our secure ONLINE PAYMENT for previous members.

OTHER Useful Information:

1. Checklist on how to organize an exchange

2. Exchange Agreement between Members- sample form

3. Tell Intervac members Why Visit Canada

4. Our Favourite Links for Canadian Travelers